Wednesday 29 May 2024



Helma 18th May 2024

Sometimes it takes a while

To find the perfect one

It's not always obvious

Where she's gonna come from

Life can throw a curveball

A path of fight or flight

You go the wrong direction

Before you see the light

You finished off my drink

And grabbed me by the hand

I dont care now I'm with you

All the bad things disband

A surprise for some folk

A questionable phase?

Batting for the other side

Navigating life's maze

Quizzed by the funny friends

Tell us your five year plan

Wanting lots of time away

Scissoring in the van

Bravely ditch convention

To finish the journey

Two lads a pug and Freddie (and Flash)

You're where you're s'posed to be

If opposites attract

One's gonna love the sound

I am the resurrection

The other's clutter bound

As doors bang through the house

Never slammed in anger

It's just not yet been sussed out

How to use the handle

The quirks are overlooked

Your undies in a pile

I see you every time

Oh my I like your style

A bit of Kenny G

Candles lit all the time

It's truly an obsession

My god I see you shine

Stealing quilts and snoring

I couldn't give a fuck

A bath a beer and dinner

You got me on the hook

While I was passing by

Oh wow - you stopped me dead

Even your need for tickles

Does not do-in my head

Surrounded by life's noise

Reading each others lips

I'd rather kiss 'em right back

Two hearts no longer ripped

What it all boils down to

It's what's just meant to be

And that is you make me feel

I'm loved by somebody

From when you took my hand

And finished off my drink

All the bad things disappeared

Our unbreakable link