Poppyfields January Challenge
Every penny to Birmingham Children’s Hospital and their research and treatment of child brain tumours!
The idea is to simply exercise everyday throughout January. Yes including New Years Day! You can swim, ride, run, go to the gym, turbo, dance, netball, walk, zumba, sail, aerobics or whatever exercise floats your boat and shifts your ass!
£5 sign up to take part by texting RUNS99 £5 to 70070 (through textgiving 100% goes to the charity!).Then just exercise everyday BUT if you miss a day you pay a £1 charity fine by texting RUNS99 £1 to 70070 up to a maximum fine of £10, Gift aid your texts too. It’s very simple.
If there is any problem with the text go to www.justgiving.com/sidpoppyfields and pay online.
If there is any problem with the text go to www.justgiving.com/sidpoppyfields and pay online.
Log your miles or exercise sessions with updates, pics and videos in the FB Group ‘Outlaw Ironmorph for Poppyfields’ and support fellow January challengers. It will be voluntary and self policing and it’s just a bit of fun to kick start 2013 and help kids fight brain tumours.
Don’t think that Couch Potatoes can’t get involved. Of course they can. It would be nice to see them moving but if Couch Potatoism is your thing just register with a £5 text and then pay the £10 maximum fine! Then couch back and watch everyone else get fit. You’ve still helped kids fight brain tumours if not yourself!
Send the text and prepare to blitz 2013!